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 "The Quiet Club"
An ABF club for Australian players

In March 2020 when the Covid-19 virus made playing bridge face-to-face impossible, all the clubs around the world were looking for alternative ways to continue with their bridge.

"Bridgebase online" (BBO) was the strongest contender and so the Australian Bridge Association were able to negotiate an arrangement for clubs around Australia to obtain hosting rights to run online bridge using BBO.

I named my virtual club the "Quiet Club" as I was known for persisting in encouraging players to keep quiet during our face-to-face bridge sessions!

Now that most bridge is being played at clubs, face-to-face, I have not been running any online bridge.  However the club continues as a precaution in case we need to return to mainly online bridge.

As an ABF club all my members need to pay their annual ABF membrship fee by the end of March. There is a button on the main page to get you there.
Once you have paid, you are considered an "active" member regardless of how often yo do play. 

Sue Kelso
December 2023

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